NSW mining communities to benefit from new projects
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - 12:51:21
Australian Mining
The eighth round of Resources for Regions will deliver 93 projects to support the ongoing prosperity of mining communities across regional NSW.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole said the new projects will upgrade roads, footpaths and cycleways, and will revitalise libraries, playgrounds and museums to stimulate local economies and provide long-term benefits for mining towns.

“The projects funded under Resources for Regions round eight will make a real difference to regional NSW mining-impacted communities and we will be sharing more details about the successful projects over the coming weeks,” Toole said.

“Resources for Regions rounds one through eight have delivered 242 projects worth $420 million since the fund began in 2012.

“These projects represent the NSW Government’s commitment to providing continued support to towns impacted by mining, and I can’t wait to see the benefits round eight projects will bring to communities across the state.”

Member for Upper Hunter Dave Layzell said one of the projects will enhance the Singleton Rugby League clubhouse to deliver new female amenities and a function area to encourage increased participation in sport in the community.

“It’s projects like these that help to further revitalise Singleton and provide long-term benefits for this great mining community,” Layzell said.

“The benefits that mining brings can place added pressure on local infrastructure, which is why we are supporting mining communities across the state through a record amount of Resources for Regions funding.”

The projects are part of the $2 billion Regional Growth Fund, designed to support growing regional centres, activate local economies and improve services and community infrastructure for regional communities.

http://www.miningnewspro.com/En/News/617039/NSW mining communities to benefit from new projects
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